
Plastic Free Salish Sea seeks to change citizen behavior and the culture of plastics use. 

Mission: Our mission is to unify and mobilize Salish Sea communities toward actively participating in the reduction of plastic waste in our waterways and landscapes. 

Vision: We envision a Salish Sea free of plastic and other single-use waste products.

We do this through community outreach, education, and engagement focused on decreasing plastic use and dependency, improving responsible disposal methods and practices, and motivating clean-up events and actions.

Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans is having a devastating effect on marine life and human health. Plastic debris is found daily on San Juan County’s shorelines. Microplastics are particularly worrying given that they are found in fish and shellfish and even in sea salt, so in turn also finding it’s way into our diets. Our use of plastic, particularly single-use, must change. The goal of this website is to provide a resource for all solid waste, recycling, waste reduction, and zero waste resources, events, and organizations in San Juan County.

Check out our Resources page for useful links and infographics for easy ways to reduce your use of plastic!

Who We Are

We are currently made up of a group of organizations from around the county and are welcoming more all the time.
