With the dedication of 164 volunteers, we successfully collected a whopping 1,871 pounds of litter from 50 miles of our island’s roads and beaches on Orcas, Shaw, Lopez, and San Juan!
We are so grateful for the amazing community effort that’s helped us keep our islands litter and plastic-free by the sea!

The Great Islands Clean-up is a bi-annual event held every Spring and Fall, coordinated by the County’s Department of Environmental Stewardship Solid Waste Program in cooperation with Orcas Recycling Services, Lautenbach Recycling, Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District, San Juan Sanitation, Friends of the San Juans, the Stewardship Network of the San Juans, the Port of Friday Harbor, and many other individual, business and service group volunteers. It is funded with support from the WA Department of Ecology’s Community Litter Cleanup Program.
Waivers for people who have not participated before:
Adopt a beach!
Join us for regular beach cleans around San Juan Island, or become a beach steward for your favorite beach around the County!
Do you have an event that fits our mission to make the Salish Sea Plastic Free? Get in touch and let us know?
What do you do with all that plastic you picked up on the beach? Make art of course!

Artwork created from plastic and trash by the local Youth Conservation Corp teams and by community members during the 2018 Great Islands Cleanup on Lopez (Mermaid) and San Juan (Mandala) Islands.