Save the dates for the Spring Great Islands Clean up on Lopez on April 12, elsewhere on April 26th!
The Great Islands Clean-up, organized bi-annually every Spring and Fall, is a collaborative effort led by the County’s Department of Environmental Stewardship Solid Waste Program in partnership with Orcas Recycling Services, Lautenbach Recycling, Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District, San Juan Sanitation, Friends of the San Juans, the Stewardship Network of the San Juans, and numerous individual, business, and service group volunteers. The event is made possible through funding from the WA Department of Ecology’s Community Litter Cleanup Program
10am to 11am — Check in, pick your route, and pick up supplies and snacks at Lopez Village Park. Some supplies will also be available outside Southend Market. 12pm to 2pm — Drop off supplies and collected litter at the Lopez Dump, following signs to the designated GICU intake area.
Contact Sarah with questions: |
Pick-up bags, vests and grabbers starting Monday, April 21st at The Exchange or on Saturday, April 26th (day of event) at the Village Green starting at 10am. Collected trash can be dropped off the day of the event between 2-3pm at the Village Green.
Contact Pete Moe with questions: | 360-376-4089.
Bring collected beach and roadside trash to Shaw baseball field on Saturday, April 26 from 2 – 3
Contact Jennifer with questions: | 360.378.7948
San Juan
Meet 10am at San Juan Island Brewing Co. parking lot, 410 A St., Friday Harbor to pick-up collection equipment & receive beach & roadway assignments. Coffee & goodies will be provided by Lautenbach Recycling to fuel your efforts (bring your own coffee cup, please)! Drop-off collected trash @ the same location by 2pm. After-party at San Juan Island Brewing Co. with: music by Shadow Basket, Mediterannean eats for sale by Green Beat Kitchen, drink tickets and raffle prizes for clean-up participants, t-shirt printing with Alchemy Art Center (bring a shirt to reuse), and the Stewardship Network’s Good Steward Awards
Contact Katie Johnson with questions: | | 360.375.5863