Nick Teague
When I think about “Plastic Free”, the first thing that comes to my mind is the health and well being of our planet and all the living beings on land and sea who do not have a voice which is heard by many and who never asked for plastics to become a part of their world and existence. I am hopeful for a time when all living creatures can enjoy clean, natural, native foods and thrive with their inherent rights respected and honored.
Mostly, as best I can, I try to elevate my awareness in all my decisions, both small and large, in all my daily actions. Do I really need or do I truly want something? Can I get it Locally? How far will this thing have traveled? How much packaging will this entail? how can I; recycle, up-cycle, re-use, re-invent, remember the voices of those who are calling out?
This special and sacred place, the San Juan Islands, like so many others, long cared for since time immemorial are incredibly fragile, sensitive and worthy of our deepest appreciation and gratitude. In this place, with this caring community, and all our relations, all things are possible. I believe, here in the heart of the San Juan Islands, we can dive a little deeper and experience more fully our relationships to one another and all the living creatures who call this place home. Plastic free Salish Sea is a beautiful expression of our intention towards these possibilities.